Wednesday 5 June 2013

Relationships between produces and audiences

Relationship between producers and audiences (Twilight)

You will find before producing a film you will need to research to find your target audience. For example, this could be creating questionnaires, surveys, having interviews and looking at focus groups. How producers respond to there research is that they produce posters, trailers and other advertisements to find out what type of people would respond to it. This will allow the producers to target there films to particular target audiences.  The different ways producers can publise there films could be using social networks, radio, reviews, magazines, awards, chat shows and merchandises. I have researched into all these different methods of the film Twilight and here is what I have found...


On the 14th of November 2012 the Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 premier was held in at Leicester square in London which started at quatar past 5 which isn't too late for the fans. They had a large electronic banner and posters that displayed clips and pictures of the film. This is one way of advertising the film so that fans can be excited about going to watch it. They were trying to create a winter wonderland theme and an old atmosphere to represent vampires. The reason they did this is because they want the fans to be apart of the experience and making them feel apart of the film. At the premier, hundreds of tree's were used and they frosted them with instant snow in a can. This is to represent Folks as Folks is set outside in a forest. The audience will then see for themselves how they make the set look so effective. Cameras and other equipment was used to film the premier so that it could be live streamed to various websites. The reason they did this is for the fans who can't make it to the premier but get to see how amazing it looks so they don't feel left out. Twilight fans turned up with Twilight T-shirts and posters which is self advertising by using Twilight merchandises. Last but not least, they had a red carpet at the premier to show that it is very professional and very popular. The red carpet is there making the fans feel as special.


Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 was nominated for 10 awards and has won 8. The awards are not too serious and are quite fun as they only won awards for the worst movie and film franchise. Another award they won was a MTV movie award or shirtless performances which was Taylor Launter. The reason why the cast get these kinds of awards, not only to show there achievement but the awards given tells the fans that they are working hard and doing something for them in return for supporting them.

Chat Shows
Kristen Stewart who stars in Twilight who plays Bella appeared on the popular UK chat shows such as The Graham Norton Show. They stars always spoke about the film itself; but they would divert to other solo projects that they have. For example, other movies and merchandises. They also did plenty of interviews on the red carpet at the premier. The reason why Kristen Stewart go on to these chat shows is because she is representing twilight for the fans and she's making the fans aware of any new films or projects that they will have to see.
Merchandises and Competitions
They released various stationary equipment for the Twilight fans such as pens, pencils, rulers and rubbers. They also brought out perfume for the film which was the colour red to represent vampire blood.  The original books are still on sale and were the best seller in the shops. Key rings, cups and clothing was bought out in shops and supermarkets.  Soundtracks to the music in the film Twilight was released on the album Christina Perry's song - Thousand Years was single to the last film.  The music video included footage from the film to show what they film might be about for those who wouldn't have seen it so that was another way of advertising. Various TV shows like the X factor launched competitions to go on holiday and see the premier in London with the stars. The reason why all these merchandises and competitions are so important to the fans is because they want to be a twilight fan forever.


  1. This is a good post however you need to relate your points back to the target audience so you highlight key points about the relationship. At the moment you don't do this and this means you cannot pass GC3. If you link the discussions back to the TA highlighting how the chat shows, premier, awards etc relate to the target audience you will be able to hit the merit level.

  2. You have just about managed to push this up to a pass well done.
